A Day in the Life of a Teacher Librarian #1

A Day in the Life of a

Elizabeth Abbott is a Teacher Librarian at Dubbo College, South Campus in NSW. She loves the variety of her position and how no two days, periods or duties are the same. She works with students from Year 7 to Year 10.

Elizabeth agreed to answer our questions to give us an insight into what her day looks like.

What three words that best describe you?

Dedicated, versatile, enthusiastic

What would you do if you had more time?

Read more of the books so I can recommend them.

What do you spend most of your time doing?

Collection development (reading trade catalogues, websites, blurbs) and helping staff and students, especially with technology.

What tasks are the next biggest spenders of your time?


What do you fill in the rest of the time with?

Processing books, updating collection, shelving, helping students & staff, sourcing materials, technology support, displays, tidying shelves and library space.

What are some things that you only do occasionally?


What is the coolest project you have worked on or the coolest thing about your work/day?

Updating collection and games so that the students had something to do when mobiles were banned.

What made you want to be a Teacher Librarian?

I like to read a wide range of books and organise stuff and people. I also have an excellent memory so I remember where I have found resources or have read something that will help a student or teacher.

What is one thing you would really like someone to know about your job?

How hectic it can be  and that the library is a vibrant space (not the hushed hallowed spaces of yesteryear).



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