A Day in the Life of a Teacher Librarian #4

Meet another teacher librarian. She works in the Secondary Campus library of a P-12 Anglican School and gave us a run down of her typical day as a teacher librarian.
The Library is open 7.30 - 5.00 we share the supervision of the Library between the various staff based in the Library.
A typical day:
Arrive at school around 8.00 - Library is already buzzing with students. Do a walk around and see what they are up to. Help students with scanning and photocopying, discuss new books with interested students, talk about what showing on the news etc.
8.30 - wedge open both doors of the Library so that the 100+ students can leave easily, greeting students as they leave
8.35 - Go to homeroom - read notices, mark roll, check on well-being
9.00 - If no class is booked in to the Library check in with the other Library staff about their plans for the day, which classes are booked in, what displays are changing etc.
9.00 - 1.00 - mark the study roll each lesson, check emails, do orders, answer staff queries about book collection, use of databases etc, answer student queries about referencing, book selection, photocopying/scanning, check database statistics, answer book seller phone call, discuss SBCA shortlist with Head of Department English. Monitor study students in the Library, monitor Distant Education students, regular meeting with Principal, meeting with Professional Learning Plan supervisor.
Take a shift on the Library counter so the Library technician can take her morning tea and lunch.
1.00- 2.00 - student lunch break - the hordes are back. Supervise both junior and senior students engaged in a range of study activities. Look at the shelves, replace empty display stands with new books.
2.00 - 2.15 - eat lunch
2.15 - 3.00 - continue with the day's tasks - today checking we have sufficient resources for the changed Year 8 History research task the students will do next term.
3.00 - 3.15 - check in with homeroom
3.15 - 4.15 - staff meeting or Head of Department meeting or PD session
4.15 - 5.00 - in office sorting end of day paperwork, emails etc
In this mix I also teach a Year 8 History class so depending on the day I will have that lesson to teach, prepare, provide feedback on class work, liaise with other Year 8 History teachers.
At key points in the year I will provide explicit teaching to a range of classes, who are booked into the Library:
- Years 9-11 Science - how to use the databases
- Years 7-11 English - fiction lesson, help selecting a book related to their English task
- Years 7-10 History - note-taking, referencing, use of the print and online resources, then support these classes through the research process
- Year 7 - Introduction to the Library

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