Wall of Support
"Every school needs a school library—it’s a no-brainer. Reading underlies every area of the curriculum and the key is having a well stocked school library and a passionate school librarian who can put the right book into the right hands at the right time."
Andy Griffiths & Terry Denton
Show your support. Our partners at Syba Signs have created a wonderful range of Students Need School Libraries merchandise. From posters and bumper stickers to banners and badges, you can show your support of our important mission.
10% of all sales will be donated back to the Students Need School Libraries campaign!
Kinderling Radio: Why We Need Qualified Teacher Librarians
Kinderling Radio: Why We Need Qualified Teacher Librarians On Thursday 12th of October, 2017, Holly Godfree, teacher librarian and Students … Continue reading Kinderling Radio: Why We Need Qualified Teacher Librarians
Campaign Launch Date Announcement
Campaign Launch Date Announced Mark your calendars! The date and time for the launch of the Students Need School Libraries campaign is Tuesday, … Continue reading Campaign Launch Date Announcement
Article: School Libraries and Teacher-librarians – evidence of their contribution to student literacy and learning
Article: School Libraries and teacher-librarians: Evidence of their contribution to student literacy and learning International research provides compelling evidence that … Continue reading Article: School Libraries and Teacher-librarians – evidence of their contribution to student literacy and learning
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Working together to ensure student access to high quality school library services.
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