This report presents the results of a survey census and website review of school libraries, taken across all South Australian schools in Term 3, 2019. The census collected data on school library staffing, facilities, funding, and support.
Students need school libraries, and research supports this fact. These articles, websites and reports link to research from trusted or scholarly sources.
School libraries in South Australia 2019 Census
Website: Dr Margaret K. Merga's research
Dr Margaret K. Merga has continued to show her support of school libraries and the important role of school library staff. Dr Merga has conducted an array of research, including the reading habits and attitudes of teens, the role of the teacher librarian, the importance of reading, and so much more.
What the Staff in Australia's Schools surveys tell us about teachers working in school libraries.
Written by Paul R. Weldon (2016) this report analyses the 2007, 2010 and 2013 Staff in Australia's Schools (SiAS) survey results to produce profiles of primary and secondary teachers who are working in a library role. It compares the findings about numbers of teachers working in a library role with the overall teacher cohort in terms of location, school sector and socio-economic status of schools. It also profiles teachers working in a library role in terms of their average age, gender, level of tertiary study and basis of work. It makes particular mention of early career teachers in libraries and teachers working out of field in libraries.
How do librarians in schools support struggling readers?
Written by Margaret Kristin Merga (2019) this article discuss how librarians in schools, who are often facing significant budgetary cuts, play an important role in supporting learning in literacy and literature. The article focuses on how librarian in schools support struggling readers.
School libraries and teacher-librarians: Evidence of their contribution to student literacy and learning
Report: The 2020 Softlink Australia, New Zealand and Asia-Pacific School Library Survey Report -Prelim findings
Preliminary findings from Softlink's 2020 Australia, New Zealand and Asia-Pacific School Library Survey into school library budgets, staffing, library services and trends has been released.
Leading from the Sweet Spot
Linking the role of the teacher librarian and student outcomes, this article by Emma Cox and Lori Korodaj explores leadership at a variety of levels and how the teacher librarian role can be embedded into a school community.
Report: The 2019 Softlink Australia, New Zealand and Asia-Pacific School Library Survey Report
Findings from Softlink's 2019 Australia, New Zealand and Asia-Pacific School Library Survey into school library budgets, staffing, library services and trends.
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Report: Knowledge Bank of Australian and New Zealand School Libraries
Report: Knowledge Bank of Australian and New Zealand School Libraries Drawing on over a 100 years of resources for and … Continue reading Report: Knowledge Bank of Australian and New Zealand School Libraries
Website: Margaret K Merga’s Research
Website: Margaret K. Merga’s Research Dr Margaret K. Merga has continued to show her support of school libraries and the … Continue reading Website: Margaret K Merga’s Research
Report: 2020 School Library Survey – Australia, New Zealand and Asia Pacific preliminary findings
Report: 2020 School Library Survey – Australia, New Zealand and Asia Pacific preliminary findings The preliminary findings for the Softlink … Continue reading Report: 2020 School Library Survey – Australia, New Zealand and Asia Pacific preliminary findings
Looking for more?
These links only scratch the surface of the mountain of research showing the positive impact of qualified library staff upon student learning outcomes. Our website is focussed primarily on practical tips for advocacy, but if you are interested in learning more about the evidence behind our claims you could plug some of the following terms into the search engine or database of your choice!
Possible Search Terms: Teacher librarian; Student learning; School libraries; Library Media Specialist (the American term for “teacher librarian”); Information literacy; Digital literacy; Transfer of skills

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