Article: How Can School Libraries Support Student Wellbeing?

Article: How Can School Libraries Support Student Wellbeing? Evidence and Implications for Further Research Dr Margaret Merga explores the connection between school libraries and student wellbeing and mental health. Abstract: Concern about student wellbeing and related mental health is a global issue, and schools are increasingly expected to support student wellbeing. While the focus on … Continue reading Article: How Can School Libraries Support Student Wellbeing?

ABC News: School libraries hit by the loss of a dying breed as teacher librarians enter ‘survival mode’

ABC News: School libraries hit by the loss of a dying breed as teacher librarians enter 'surival mode' Rebecca Carmody at ABC News reports on the trend of the loss of qualified teacher librarians in Australian schools, with a focus on literary researcher Margaret Merga's research into school libraries. Read the full article on the … Continue reading ABC News: School libraries hit by the loss of a dying breed as teacher librarians enter ‘survival mode’