Snapshot of a School Library During COVID-19 #7
Sarah Love, Head of Library at Mandurah Catholic College, WA, shares what has been happening in their school library during COVID-19.
What has been the focus for your school library/role during the COVID-19 Crisis?
As a Teacher Librarian - preparing to teach online. As the Library manager - promoting online resources to staff and families, ensuring LibGuides are created to assist research tasks, enabling staff to use ClickView to its fullest potential, setting up contact-less deliveries for library books.
What major tasks have you achieved?
Contact-less deliveries will be available to Primary students from Term 2. All Learning Areas have had additional training in how to use ClickView to create interactive video resources for their classes. Creation of LibGuides has increased.
What has been the result for staff and/or students?
Primary students still have access to physical books. Students can see the video instructions they need without being side tracked by YouTube adverts. Staff are able to instantly direct students to the database or internet resources they require for a task.
What reactions did you get from students/teachers/school leaders/parents to what the library staff were doing?
Teachers are very excited about using ClickView to provide their video lessons and very appreciative of the extra training provided - via video meetings - by the Library Technician. School leaders are very keen to set up the delivery of library books to students - we are even able to use the Principal's car.
The learning curve for all staff, including library staff, has been steep but amazing to watch. As ever the library staff just got on with the learning required and then set about teaching others what they had learned and how this would benefit the students.
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